This was a good week. Lots of things going on. Lots and lots of activities. Too many activities... But we need to have them to help spread the Christmas cheer. Chileans are a bunch of Grinches. When we ask people what they like about Christmas they normally just say that its a little kids holiday and that the real holiday is new years. How lame is that?! People just celebrate Christmas if they have little kids, but when they get older they stop. They don't really get the meaning of Christmas. But that's why its our job to go out and spread the joy of Christmas.
Yesterday we had a couple of rough things happen. Jimmy, a recent convert of 14 years told us that he is not going to go back to church because the kids are bullying him. That was crazy when he told us that. Jimmy is one of the most active people in the ward. We had a lesson with him and the young men's president, and we got by the end jimmy decided to not stop going to church. So now we are going to be a lot more involved in the youth classes, so that we can help put down some turd bullies. But all is well there.
Also yesterday we had something really awesome happen. We got a big group of members together and we went carolling at Isabel´s house. It turned out great. Isabel was super happy and everything is well with her. She is still set for a baptism on the 10th.
earlier in the week we had a lesson with that lady who came to church last week. Yesenia is her name, and she is amazing. She said that she had had a dream that she and in her dream to guys told her that she needed to go to the big white church. You know what else is crazy? she is from Dalcahue!! Not too many people from dalcahue. what are the chances? Cambios are the best thing ever. No matter where i go this next one, I'm going to know that i am being sent there for a reason.
love you guys lots!!! I´ll see you Thursday.

Elder Burox
(the bishop gave us gifts and this is how he spelled my name.)
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