HI. thanks for all of the emails, i love reading them.
We had a great week. Isabel passed her interview!!!!! She is set. We also went with her to a baptism and she loved it. She is all ready, we just have to teach her all of lesson 5 now.
Yesenia came to Church again all on her own. We haven't been able to teach her all week. But that has not stopped her from walking over a mile to be at church every week. She is awesome.
New Years is the worst. The lamest Holliday ever. I am the grinch of new years. Down with new years!!!! Nothing good happened, we just lost a bunch of time. We did eat a ton of ice cream in our house though. That was fun. Also, i do like looking back on the year, that part i do like. I had killer year. started it out in Punta Arenas and ended in punta arenas. Haha fun fun.
Well there are some changes that are going to happen this week here in Hand River. I got a call from President this morning. First off we put a special ring tone for the phone when president calls. some creepy Beethoven song. But he called and i am getting transferred to Patagonia, which is just on the other side of the city. There is an Elder over there who is going home today and i have to go over there and replace him. Im going to be a zone leader and my companion is Elder Palmer. He is a good guy from southern California. He was on the swim team at byu. I'm excited about that. Whatim not excited about is leaving hand river. I wish elder Palmer could just come to Rio de la mano. But i am excited either way to see why i am supposed to be in Patagonia now. I know that there is a reason.
Thanks for everything guys. I love you guys a bunch. Have a great year.

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