Ok ill start by apologizing for the lame letters... i really just don't have time sometimes.
So we get to Ovejeria at about 6 and we have the rest of the night to go out and make some visits. It was so awesome. I got to pass by and visit Orlando and Silvina, and Maria and Constanza. It was way cool to see everyone. I loved it. They are all still investigating but Maria is getting really close to baptism. I think it will happen soon.
So after we make all of the visits we go back to the house and order a pizza. In the morning we have to go super early to the office to go and get the visa stuff done. We head over there meet up with the Secretary again and go to the visa office. They were closed. Ridiculous. But we got to spend another night with Elder Warren in Ovejeria, So not too bad. We went to a big grocery store in centro to buy something to eat for lunch and guess who we ran into? Victoria!!! It was so crazy she was in Osorno visiting her mom and was out buying a gift when we found her. It was so awesome to talk to her. talking to her made me realize how little i really knew about Spanish when i was with her. She said that she is sending her papers in at the end of this month. She put her availability date for February. Way too cool. She is going to go on her mission before i even make it home.
So we stay the night in Ovejeria again and then we wake up early again to meet up with the Secretary and go to the office. When we got there they were open but when we tried to get it they said that it was way too early to try and start my visa. so it ended up being a whole waste. But it was the best waste ever.
We ended up getting a ride back to Chiloé with President Obeso who was headed down there to do our interview. That was one of the most memorable rides of my life. President got pulled over. That was funny. he used to race cars in the Baja 500 and is a really fast driver.
A new investigator came to church this week. She has lots of potential.
I love you guys bunches. Have a good week and don't get run over by anymore cars.
Elder Borup 
Someone actually could pronounce it this week.
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