So I realized that last weeks letter was really lame. This week will most likely be lammer.... Sorry.
So I am in Puerto Montt right now. We left this morning at 8, and we have been eating american food in the huge mall here. Im talking Bigmac combo, with a bbq We are going to have a special conference with Elder Viñas. Cant wait, it starts tomorrow at 9 and ends at 4. All of the things that we had no idea that we were doing wrong will soon be made clear to me. I am way excited.......
(a little later)
Gosh dang it!!!!! i did it again.
Anyways it will be good. I hope that tomorrow i will be able to see Elder Watson, that would be awesome!
Viviana came to church again this week!!! She loved it again too. During the week we have found the time where we can visit her. She invites us to lunch with her every week now. We bring the salad, we light the BBQ, she provides the meat. We are really trying to get her boyfriend in church though. This is the week. They said that they were going to close the shop and everything so that they could both come. The baptismal font will need to be filled this coming October.
So I just decided that i am going to try and start sending home something that i have learned throughout the week. This week i learned two things. 1. When your away from the US for more than a year you start to day dream about McDonald's, then when you finally get it you realize that it is still just a regular bigmac, there is no difference. I thought it would be something so much better. If anything it was worse than in the US. You can apply that to all of the things in the world. Your mind can make anything look so good, but when you actually get it, you find out that it is just a small, fake cheese covered, pre-made burger. 2. I learned that i want to live in Chiloé. I could live here so easily. I would buy a motorcycle and just go to town on all of the coastal roads that they have here. The people are the greatest, almost every house we go to, we get offered some sort of food. That is a requirement here. if you have guests, feed them. It really is a miracle that i haven't gotten fat. Its probably too early to tell but I actually think that i will be able to still fit into my purple plaid jacket when i get back. 
Thats about t for the week. I am going to really try hard the next week and write you all a great personal letter. We will see.
Love all bunches,
Elder Brown
(it says it on my ticket)
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