Well this is it. JUNE. final count down. Push it to the limit. Pedal to the metal cpt..
This has been a good week. We are having lots of sucess and we are seeing tons of miracles. The other day we were knocking a super duper rich area and we talked to like 30 nanys that told us to come back another day and to like 2 home owners who were super bitter. We did talk to one guy who seemed legit interested. His name is Sammy. He is about 85 and has a house that sits on about 8 acres of garden and waterfalls. He said that we could come back another day when his wife was there. so we went back yesterday when i was on an intercambio with elder Nielsen. We knocked the door and hot in. Sammy lives with his wife his daughter and her family. They are way cool. They gave us candy and we watched because he lives with them. I am way stoked for them.
This has been a hard week at the same time. Elder Meneses. is a crazy dude. It really is going to be a push to the end. In the lider conference that we have every week he said that a lider can not be a friend. That a leader needs to lay down the law and thats it. This can give you a little window as to what its like in the house. NOt too much fun. But its cool. I like working with him and we are seeing some cool things happen, so i cant complain too much.
I have been looking through my journal this week. The mission is the best thing ever. We are trying to get a kid named Felipe out right now, and i just want to let him feel, what i am feeling, its that best!. But i am out of time. Sorry its so short, but i have a date with destiny. there is a sandwich eating chalange at a restaurant here and im gonna go reck it.
I love you guys oodles,
Elder Borup

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