Tuesday, June 30, 2015


June 28, 2015

This is it.  cho taim.  This is really a sureal experience.  Writting my last letter.  ¿Y sabe que? lo voy a escribir en Español.  

Bueno, ha sido una semana muy, muy exitoso.  Hemos encontrado varias nuevos investigadores y menos activos para enseñar.  mi compañero es mi amigo.  HA!  100% éxito.  así me gusta.  nadie puede resistir la carita feliz de Elder Borup.  Hemos disfrutado cada opertunidad de trabajar.  Esta semana encontramos un menos activo, era bien receptivo y todo, pero los miembro nos dijeron que el se enoja muy fácil y que elder Meneses no debe pasar porque elder meneses es bueno para enojar a las personas.  JK.  

Y hemos visto muchos milagros en la zona.  Muchas veces es super fome ser líder de zona, pero esta semana he visto el lado bueno.  Yo estoy convencido de que cuando estamos en el servicio de nuestro prójimo solamente estamos en el servicio de Dios.  Siento tan, tan, tan, tan cansado por todo que estamos haciendo, pero también siento de que estoy sirviendo a Dios y El está dando me las fuerzas que necesito.  Siento muy muy muy bendecido por eso.

Hay tantas cosas que me gustaría decir.  pero hay muy poco tiempo.  Tuvimos un paseo hoy y no tengo nada de tiempo.  Les voy a enviar los fotos.  Este país es lo mejor.  Soy Chileno/Gringo y estoy muy orgulloso de eso.  

Gracias por todo familia.  Les quiero como un Oso quiere Miel. 
Nos vemos aqui pronto

Con mucho cariño,

Su Bello Hijo, Hermano, y amigo,

Elder Baurup

from the coldest place in the world

Jun 22 2015

m writing this email from the coldest place in the world.  Everything froze last night and when i left the house so did my hands.  So we will see how much i can get out before my fingers snap off.  

Its getting dang cold here.  Each night it leaves a killer frost that turns our house into a refrigerator.  We wake up early so that we can make a fire and iron our shirts ( the two warmest things you can do) and then once we get a little warm we start to work out.  

This week has been a big success.  Well on paper... a real disaster, but we feel good about it.  This week we got up at 5:45 to go do surprise exercises with RíoBueno.  That was Thursday.  And then we did divisions in Lago Ranco.  Lago Ranco is beautiful.  You guys should look it up. Being a Zone Leader.... It is a huge pain in the booty,  I like it, but there are so many things that you need to be worried about that you can have a really hard time balancing time in your sector and time with the zone.  I have to admit, by Sunday i was feeling really stressed.  But i said a prayer and i felt amazing after.  Then i took the sacrament and i felt completely healed.  Its not that the stress went away, but its that i felt totally calm about all of the things.  

We have a sick new investigator that is going to be baptized.  when?  no idea.  But she will be baptized.  We had a killer lesson with her this Tuesday.  Her name is Carmen and she is a pastry Chef.  Awesome.  But we showed her the video of gracias a que El vive, and it blew their socks off.  She was saying that she has been looking for a church to go to for years, because her kids have been wanting to go. She is stoked and we are going to teach her the restoration tomorrow. 

this week i really want work hard and not think about next week.  It is the weirdest experience.  I don't know if i should be excited or sad.  So one hour im really excited and then the next im sad.  Its weird.  I set the goal to think about the now and not the future for this whole week.  So we will see how that goes.  

I am so grateful for you guys. I love you bunches.

Tu Bello hijo, hermano, amigo,

Elder Borup

an eventful week

Jun 15 2015

This has been an eventful week.  We did two intercabios, one planed, another not,  we attended a wedding, and we had a big ole food festival.  it was nice.

Tons of cool things happened this week.   i don't have too much time... sorry but this is going to be a short one.  

We had an activity of international food that was put together be the missionaries... oh boy...  Well it wasn't too bad, every one did their part and we all had investigators and less actives that came.  It was way cool.  Each organization took a country and made a typical food and gave a brief summary of how the church began in that country.  We were The USA!  We made banana boats because the typical food of America is nothing, and for the how the church began we taught the restoration.  it was awesome.  Then we got to eat, first time having Chinese food on the mission, i probably should have waited though because i got some bad poops after that.  

So cool that you guys won that relay!  We have been working super hard and i feel like I'm just sprinting to the end.  Its fun.  My companion might be a little bit of a dingle barry but i like being with him, he does motivate me.

Well that's it.  I love you guys a ton.  

Elder Borup

It just keeps dumping.

Jun 8, 2015

Im an UNCLE!  HOLLY MOLLY!!!!  little baby Wendy, my niece.  

This week was good.  I am so pooped out but that is a sign of how good it was.  It literally rained all week.  I think it stopped two or three times.  The rivers are getting super swollen and the rain keeps coming.  OH, and the forecast for this next week is ALL rain.  Gotta love it.  

So, we´ve been having some hard times in the sector.  I feel good about what we are doing, but we still don't have that elect chosen one.  Its fun looking for new people though.  You here some really crazy things on the street.  For example:  did you know that the grocery stores are in with the 666?  of course.  everything you buy ends with 9.99 so you flip that upside down and what do you get? 666.  So crazy.  
There really are some interesting people here.  

Bueno.... I feel good.  Every one in the branch it feels like is on my back trying to make me feel Trunky (excited to pack the bags),  but i feel very little effect.  i know I'm gonna work hard to the end.  I set the goal that i was going to finish strong, and i have had that goal since the beginning, so it will be done.  

My companion is getting chiller.  There are still some moments when we have our differences but the unity is getting better.  I would like to say we are friends, we laugh sometimes now and we have our jokes, but he told every one in the house, the other day, that we are not his friends.  haha!  its funny sometimes to hear the words he says.  Ridiculous. 

I love you guys a ton.  Say hola to Wendy for me.  

Elder Borup

Stressin it.

Jun 1 2015

Well this is it.  JUNE.  final count down.  Push it to the limit.  Pedal to the metal cpt..

This has been a good week.  We are having lots of sucess and we are seeing tons of miracles.  The other day we were knocking a super duper rich area and we talked to like 30 nanys that told us to come back another day and to like 2 home owners who were super bitter.  We did talk to one guy who seemed legit interested.  His name is Sammy.  He is about 85 and has a house that sits on about 8 acres of garden and waterfalls.  He said that we could come back another day when his wife was there.  so we went back yesterday when i was on an intercambio with elder Nielsen.  We knocked the door and hot in.  Sammy lives with his wife his daughter and her family.  They are way cool.  They gave us candy and we watched because he lives with them.  I am way stoked for them.  

This has been a hard week at the same time.  Elder Meneses. is a crazy dude.  It really is going to be a push to the end.  In the lider conference that we have every week he said that a lider can not be a friend.  That a leader needs to lay down the law and thats it.  This can give you a little window as to what its like in the house.  NOt too much fun.  But its cool.  I like working with him and we are seeing some cool things happen, so i cant complain too much.  

I have been looking through my journal this week.  The mission is the best thing ever.  We are trying to get a kid named Felipe out right now, and i just want to let him feel, what i am feeling, its that best!.  But i am out of time.  Sorry its so short, but i have a date with destiny.  there is a sandwich eating chalange at a restaurant here and im gonna go reck it.

I love you guys oodles,

Elder Borup

Sweet mercy its gettin Chilly!

May 25 2015

Its that time of year in the south of Chile.  It is so dang cold out right now!  I have kept all of my thermals berried in my suitcase ever since Punta Arenas but now i get to use them every day again. oh joy.

Well there is a big surprise this week.  I have a new Companion. Elder hazard left. We found out Monday night that he was going to Villarica (the place with all of the volcanoes).  Now my companion is Elder Meneses, he´s a cool guy, from Chile, before the mission he was a weight lifter. I´m still getting to know him, but I like working with him alot. We have been working really hard this past week and we are starting to see miracles happen.  

The thing that is going to be hard is that Elder Meneses is a huge stickler, i mean i can be strict but i do it with all of the love i have, Elder meneses lays down the law and now we have 3 district leaders that are not too stoked on us.  I mean we need to be corrected sometimes, obviously.  But we need to be corrected with love. lest he shall esteem you to be his enemy.
I´m just gonna have to always throw my flare on things.  Keepin it Elder Borup style.  It defiantly is going to be an interesting cambio though.

I love it here. Ido not want to leave.  If there was just someway for you guys to all move down here, i would stay forever.  Chile is the best!

We had a couple cool finding experiences this week and we have a couple new investigators that have some huge potential.  

Love you guys oodles,

Elder Borup


May 18 2015

We just got the cambios.  I get to stay with Elder Hazard for my last cambio.  He has already been here for 6 months and now he is privileged by a 3rd cambio with me.... Not really, i pray diligently so that he can have the patience necessary to deal with me.  But im way stoked to be together another one.  Its gonna be way cool.  This is the last push to the Finnish.

This week was hard but super good.  We are working like a bunch of crazy men to find some new investigators.  The thing that i know how to do and i know works are contacts.  We contacted up a storm this week.  I feel really good about it.  The thing that I have noticed this week is that each time a person rejects us, i have a horrible feeling, its not that I'm offended or that they hurt my feelings, its that i know that this is something that will make their lives so much better.  It really does stink when you try and talk to the family and the mom stops and the dad keeps going, it ticks me off.  But i think that my studies of charity are really helping me out.  I love these people.  Chileans are the best.  So many of them are crazy and so many of them are cranky and proud but there are so many of them that try so hard to do what is right.  This country is the best!  so much better than Argentina!  

This week we had a performance in the catholic church.  At the cathedral here there is a rec gym kind of thing off to the side that is always open for events.  This week there was a charity Bingo where the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints were the main source of entertainment.  Elder Davis did a parcour show and then Elder Johnson and Elder Hazard sang and played guitar. I sat back and hit my drum sticks on the ground a couple of times.  But it was way cool, about 350 people were there, and we got some great publicity.   

The Copa Americana starts soon and all of the Chilean flags are startting to come out.  It takes place in Chile this year so its gonna get nuts here.  

Anyways I love you guys a ton!  This is gonna be a good week.

Keep good,

Elder Borup


May 11, 2015

Today was awesome. We went on a hike and found some saweet places.  Im writting late and i dont have too much time and we kind of already talked for an hour so im just going to send some pics.

Love you guys tons.

Elder Borup

has it already been a week?

May 4 2015

Shoot.  time is going by way to quick. This week was on the slow side, but still a really good week.

Lots of fun things always happen.  La Unión has one of the highest populations of drunk homeless guys in Chile.... At least that's what it feels like.  Every corner of our sector is full of them.  Remember those guys who live under the bridge?  Well there are like four other bridges just like that in our sector.  We have been trying to be as Charitable as we can.  Some times we go and buy some bread with them or we help them get a colectivo or we give them a little bit of money, but we´re trying. 
This week we had a Noche de Hogar with our ward mission leader and we learned how to make Sopaipillas.  Super easy, basically just scones but then you eat them with Salsa called pebre.  i guess ill make some of that for you guys when i get home.  
We are having English class every Saturday. They are successful in the way that sometimes we get a couple less actives come and maybe an investigator or two, but mostly just kids from the branch who need help with their homework.   This week we were doing an activity of sentence making where you make a sentence with "to be" and a random word that was written on the board.  And when someone would say the sentence they had to act out what you said.  So the sentence was "They were Fighting", and everyone started to "pretend" fight.  The problem with that is that Elder Hazard and Elder Davis got too into it, and elder Hazard got a big old punch to the face.  HA. He´s fine and we all laughed really hard about it, and his eye did swell a little.  
I love you guys bunches. I am so stoked to have you for a family.  

Take care, see you Sunday
Elder Borap
(they all say it sounds like the noise a frog makes)

Saweet week.

Apr 27 2015

All is well here in the land of fire and ice.  Its getting kind of cold already and the Volcan Calbuco and the volcan Pucon are still spitting fire.   Calbuco just blew this past week and  all the missionaries in Calbuco got evacuated.  We have seen no ash yet and we probably wont because of the wind right now, But when it went off, you could see the mushroom cloud from here.  Supposedly the ash is going to travel around the world in 25 days and that argentina is getting buried in it. HA.  And we keep working as if nothing happened.  

This week was fun.  We had intercambios with the Assistants.  It was awesome.  I went out with elder Crotzer and we were walking to our sector and i felt like we needed to talk to a lady.  Turns out she is way drunk.  But right as we start talking to her her husband, who is sober, walks past, and she invites us to go to her house.  So we go to her house and we start teaching the husband, a way cool guy named Juan.  and we teach about how Christ can help this lady, Maria, to change her life if she wants.  So it turned out to be really good and the husband felt the spirit and told us that he is willing to try and help his wife change again.  The wife said that she just wants things to go back to the way they were before she was addicted to alcohol.  Its rough to see all of these people out in the street.  They dont want to be there, but they are so addicted to alcohol that they can't do anything about it.  

I have been studying a lot about charity.  Charity is what should fuel missionary work.  We need to love these people and want the best for them.  I am trying to learn from my companion, who is a really touchy feely kind of guy.  

We did a lot of service this week, and we taught a lot of people.  I really am loving it.  I am determined to suck every ounce of good out of my last few months on the mission.  Its gonna be the best!!!!

Love you guys tons

Elder Burop.  

a missionary from the US called me that the other day!  

PIcture of the guys we live with.  
A huge spider that was living in front of our house.

week has been saweeeeeet

Apr 20, 2015

This week has been saweeeeeet.  We have been able to really focus on the sector and on finding new people to teach.  

We have had some cool experiences.  As we approached one old guy, we asked him how he was, and he asked us what our problem was, then we said that we were missionaries, and then he said that he didn't worship John Smith, then we said that we dont either, then he asked us how many wives we had waiting for us in the USA, we said maybe 1, he said that that's not what the TV says, and i said that the TV also says that aliens abduct people and brain wash them.  That's where the argument ended and he kind of started to pay attention.  I get really frustrated when people  just want to argue and not listen.  You try and get them to laugh and then you can somehow bring up the Gospel less aggressively.

Finding people is really fun. Not as fun as teaching though.  We got to teach a bunch this week.  I loved every minute of it.  

We taught a lesson to an investigator that was not the best.  We watched the restoration video and the only thing that he noticed was that he plowed the same way as them......  we asked what happend to Joseph and he said that he fed the sheep and the cows.  We are going to have to go back to square one with this guy.  If he wants to learn anything......  He is a crazy dude though.

We spent two days in the house this week. Elder Hazard is having some crazy pooping frenzies, and we could not get to far away from the baño.  Fun times

Love all of you tons..  Sorry the emailwas a little jumbled.  Ill try better next week.

Elder Borup


Apr 13, 2015

Well, I`m stoked!  This was a great week.  We have had lots of things to do again but we are finding more and more time for our own sector.  We are finding new investigators!!!!!!!  

So this week we get a call from a guy we contacted in the plaza during the activity.  His name is moses.  He told us that he was reading the book of mormon and that he was loving it.  Later on we asked him where he was at in the book and he said that he was in 1 nefi 13!   Crazy.  But anyways, so we set up a cita with him and meet him in the plaza.  We talk for a while and we then ask him if he wants to go check out the curch.  So we go and walk to the church.  He loved it.  We sit him down after giving him a complete tour and we teach the restoration.  Increadible!  this guy is unreal.  We set up another cita with him to come and play ping pong with us in the church the next day.  HE CAME.  miracles do exist.  Then we had another lesson on prayer with him.  It was a super spiritual prayer and we testified that if he prayed to know if the book of mormon was true he could get an awnser.  The guy is way too cool, and im way pumped to see his progress. 

I kind of just got side tracked.  Sorry.  I got no time.  I love you guys bunches.  Miracles are real. Crazy.

Elder Boyup

It`s done Sam

Apr 6, 2015

his week was so crazy.  We did not have a normal day all week. This week was all in preparation for the dang activity.  ITS OVER!!!  and it was a big ole success.  Tons of people got to see the new video, and we got lots of new people to go by and visit.  In the end the activity consisted of 5-6 different stations of missionaries and activities.  Some were doing magic tricks, others were playing footbol with the kids and we also had a kids table, where they could color and get their face painted.  But we had lots of people there and it was way cool.

I am so pumped on General Conference!!!  those are the best days to be a missionary.  Some of my favorite moments were all of the hammers that they threw down about playing on your phone while in sacrament meeting.  Also the Latter day Hypocrite was crazy.  We got to watch the sessions in English to, so we could really enjoy Holland's talk.  Actually two returned missionaries came and watched Hollands talk with us.    

I am so happy that it is all over!  hopefully things will calm down now

Well i am way stoked. We just found out cambios and me and Elder Hazard are stikin together!  So we have 6 more weeks of constantly running to the bathroom.  Haha.  we are still always doing that, but he is a lot better.  Its going to be way fun though.  

Love you guys so much and i hope you have an awesome week.


Elder Borop
PS.  We are famous. Go to this link, and try to find our picture.

Way too much

Mar 30, 2015

My head is about to blow.  I dont even know where to begin or what to even say.  So much stuff has happened this past week.  Well, all we have really been doing is planning this darn activity in the plaza.  We have had a couple ideas and all of them have been shot down,  we need to be ready for sure by the 3 but we think we will be doing another activity the 2.  i dont really know.  But the point is, is that there are too many things.

This week we did a big ole activity in the feria.  The church actually is right in the middle of it so we could actually set up a table right in front.  We put out a sick sign and Dvd players playing the new video from the church, contacting people while they are in a hurry to shop is hard, but there were a few people who stayed and watched the video.  And almost all who watched the video wanted missionaries to come back to their house.  Doing missionary work with this video has been really fun.  Something that i have never told you mom and dad is that way back at the begging of my mission, i bought a portable dvd player.  I bought it because at the time we had a lot of investigators who didn't have tv`s, so we couldn't share anything like video or movies.  Anyways, i bought it,  And now it is coming in big handy.  Using it in the plaza and just asking people if they would like to watch a 2 minute video while they sit is way fun, and really effective.  They can definitely feel the spirit during the video.  I love it.  

We haven't had too much time for anything else. but we did find another new investigator named Alejandra.  She is way cool.  But we are going to have a FHE with her this week.

I love you guys so much.  Today has been a cool day just because i could talk to you.  I have the best family.  Thanks for all of the B day wishes. I have really had a good day and an elder gave me a handful of Peach e o`s as a gift.  Best gift ever!!!ç

Well I love you bunches!

Elder Borup

Livin la vida

Mar 23, 2015

Well its been a long week.  Its been good, but it feels like forever since i have last written.

This Easter the church is going to have a huge program called "because he lives".  Its a video that will be available the 28th.  Its going to be awesome!   We have been planning the activities for days!!!  i am getting a little tired of being on the computer typing up stuff for the municipality.  We have to ask for permission from everyone to do a little activity in the plaza. Oh well.  
Some cool things have been happening in the sector.  We are super excited about helping the Branch.  They need lots of help.  But we are having a good time getting to know everyone, and trying to inspire them to be better at what they are called to do. This week i gave a talk in church about Conversion.  I think it turned out well.  well I did only take 15 minutes of the 25 minutes that i was supposed to take, but i gave our Branch president a time to talk. 
I love serving a mission!  I already have anxiety about coming home.  I`m not always thinking about it!  But when i do i realize that i need to give all i have in the time i have left. I had a dream this week where there was a dinosaur invasion in the south of Chile and that we needed to be evacuated.  Then the next thing i knew i was SLC and i was super mad, because i still had 4 months left.  But there are no dinosaur invasions down here, so dont expect to see me for a while longer.  I still have tons of stuff to do here. 

I love you guys a ton.  Sorry this is not my best letter.  I still have to write president, and design a poster for this activity, but i hope that you have a good day.  

Lovin bunches,

Elder Barup

This week....

March 17, 2015

Well i dont have any time.  I know that that is my go to saying, but its true.   Yesterday we had to go to osorno to get my companions intestines checked out.  And sure enough, he has a intestinal eating bacterea that is doing a number on him.  We thought for sure that it was going to be worms, but bactirea is just as fun.  He does get the best medication ever though,  He has to drink 2 bottles of gatorade a day!!  i want that.  

Well the week has been good.  Sooooooo many things have happened.  We had interviews with president Obeso.  I love that guy so much.  We talked about the need of investigators in our zone.  He said that we need to have a hunger to find new investigators.  I am a hungry guy so im set that we are going to find a ton of people.  

We also had intercambios with the Asistants.  That was really fun .  We did an activity in the plaza where we put up a huge poster about the book of mormon and we contacted all around us, while Elder Crotzer and Elder Hazard played the violin and guitar. It was awesome.  

this week i found kraft mac and cheese.  And aloe vera juice is amazing.  

beeing a missionay is the best!!!!!  I cant get over it.  It is the hardest thing ive done, but it has been the funnest thing ive done.  I feel super happy, and i have tons of energy.  I would like to know how much ive changed but i cant really judge mylself can i.  I love it though.

Love you guys bunches

Elder Gringo

So Crazy

Mar 9, 2015

Well this week has been completely crazy.  We started out with zone conference.  That ended up as a disaster.  We were going to build boats and float them down the river.  Then we were going to read the story of nefi and how he built his boat in the way of the lord.  And then relate that to how we need to build our sector in the way of the lord.  We lost all of the boats in the curant.  And then we had no time to talk.  You live and you learn. 

Also we found some new guys to teach.  They live under a bridge, lots of times they are drunk, but if we go by early in the morning, we have the chance to catch them sober.  They are good people though, and they really need what we got, so we feel like its necessary. Plus they have a N64 that i really want, and i was feeling that i could trade it for a soccer ball.  The last time we went by they were preatty drunk so we didnt stay long.  but the did offer us some cantelope.  Me being the smart guy that i am, I partook  of the rotting food.  The next two days were a big ole blur of speratic eruptions in the baño.  We did get out a couple of times but we were limited by the distance of the nearest bathroom.  Lesson learned, dont eat melons under a bridge.

This week we had some huge drama with one of the hermanas sectors.  They have been confronted by this guy who always wanted to cut their grass.  They always said no but he kept persisting.  So what we ended up doing was that we took the hermanas out and put them in Rio Bueno for 4 days, while we went to go confront this guy.  Long, long, long story short is that the guy ended up being way creepy, but he said that he wasnt going to bother them again, and if he does, we are going to go throw him off the bridge.  Not really, but something along the same lines.  But that was super stressful.

Yesterday we went ham on the contacting.  We just hung out in the plaza for two hours, and we taught a ton of lessons to people on benches.  None of them lived in our sector, but we talked to a bunch a really good people for some other sectors. 

I love you guys a ton, The emails really help me.  Thanks for all the support.  Dont eat Mellons that drunk guys give you, and dont try and build boat out of soda bottles.  they dont work

Elder Barup

The Union

Mar 2, 2015

I left punta arenas.  It was sad.  I really hope that i will be able to go back there soon.  Such a cool place.  Such good people.  But it was fun.  On the way up i got to meet up with a bunch of old friends.  Elder Aedo was waiting for me in the terminal in Puerto Montt.  I love that guy.  Also, i ended up seeing almost all of my group. I ended up getting here at 9:00 at night.  And we didnt end up working that day at all. 

I made it to La Union.  It is really weird to be in the north of the mission.  I just spent the last year and three months stranded in the frozen south.  I did not even knkow that it could be hot in our mission.  But let me tell you that it is really, really hot.  Well maybe its not that hot, but my body has gotten used to the cold, and now i am getting destroyed.  its fun though.  New things are always good.  

The sector is big.  Its the centro sector and there arent that many people that actually live in the sector and we dont have that many investigators.  But its cool.  I am feelling super good about being here. The house is good. We live with two other elders in a big house.  Its nice and clean.  The branch is good, the branch president is more hyperactive than a chipmunk, and we have a really really good mission leader who is pumped on having activities and getting the members help.  The other members, from what ive seen are not too excited, but we have a vision to change that.  That is what i feel like we are missing here.  The members complete suport.  

Gonna be a good cambio.  My compaion is Elder Hazard.  He is super sick, from Reno, Nevada, and another world class shotput/discus thrower. We have been getting along splendedly.  We are going to give the 100% this cambio and reap the blessings.  

I feel different about this cambio for some reason.  Not sure why, but i feel like its going to be really, really good.

I love you guys a ton.  I hope i wrote enough for you. Hopefully mom got enough details to be satisfied. We`ll see.

Ooodles of love,

Elder bo..bo..bo.......

(not a chance)

1.  This guy is a champion from Patagonia. 
2. Saying goodbye to Alexis our investigator

Chau, chau Punta Arenas

Feb 23 2015

Im leaving.  Its super weird but its my turn already to get on the plane and head up to the blazing north.  I really thought that i was going to stay there for the next 4 months.  Nope.  I am leaving on wed. to go to La Unión.  I have never heard anything about this place, but i know my companion and he seems like a good guy. His name is Elder Hazzard.   

Well anyway thats the big news.  

This week was awesome.  We had Intercambios with the Assistants.  Elder Jacobson was my Zone leader in Chiloe and now he is the assistant of the south of our mission.  Soooooo coooool.  I love this guy.  We had a good day and we found a lot of people.  So much fun right now.  We are working tons with the members and finding lots of success.  The coolest thing though is that we had a lesson with a new investigator named Carlos.  This guy has a ton of potential.  Super cool family guy who is looking for the church that he should baptize his family in.  Nuts.  this is a good guy though, and i am confident that he is going to get baptized.

I got to call elder Kvarfordt this week.  that guy is soo funny.  But he was telling me all about Dalcahue and how it was doing.  So much crazy things have happened.  He said that the week after i left they had 10 investigators in church and that they kept that up for the next 3 cambios.  Marlen and her daughter got baptized,  and tons of other people are progressing.  its was really good to hear.  I neeeeeeeeeed to go back to that place.  I love it so much.  

Well thanks for every thing guys.  If you want to know anything about the Patagonia i basically know every thing there is to know.  

Love you so much,

Elder Borup
(right when they start to get it right i leave, Typical) 

1. Pictrure of a good looking guy
2. Baptism of Isabel!!! 
3. me in front of a statue

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Torres Del Paine Take 2

17 Feb 2015

Well.... Thats Torres del Paine.  Eighth  natural wonder of the world, and its in our zone.  So thats awesome.  

This was a good week though.  Not too much happened, we had lots of fun this though.  

I went back to Río de la Mano on an intercambio. That was really fun.  We got to stop by carlas house, as i am sure she has already posted on facebook a ton of pictures.  But i had to say goodbye to her.  I dont know if ill be transfered this transfer and she went on a month long vacation to Viña del Mar.  I really hope i get to see her again. She is way funnier than i remember, she was just making jokes the whole time.  She is super active and is loving being a primary teacher.  

Also this week i have had some extreme hunger.  I dont know why.  Maybe im growing?  who knows.  But i have just been pounding food.  Before i wouldnt normaly need anything to eat at night.  Now if i dont have a dinner at night my stomach will hurt to bad for me to sleep.  And im not getting fat either.  I hope i have parasites!  That would be gnarly.  Just joking, i dont have them, and i know its something i dont want.

We taught a cool lesson to Alexis.  We just passed him off to Río de la Mano.  We put him with date for the 21 of march.  Sad that we had to give him away like that.  but he is getting along well with Elder Montiel.  And i know that he will progress more over there.  

The Investigator pool is barren now.  We are now looking ahead to a week full of searching.  Hopefully it will be the most fruitful week ever.  Thanks for all of the prayers.  I have been studying a ton about prayer lately.  Its amazing that he acctually communicates to those who diligently search for him.    
Lovin you guys oodles.

Elder Syrup

I found the Jacket in the house.  We have been calling it the Tortoise neck.  I love it.  It did make me look like a big time german tourist though.

This is the Cueva de Milodón.
That is a Milodón

Super Quick

9 Feb 2015

This week has passed by super quick.  It just keeps going faster.  

We have some investigators.  Well, kind of.  We are teaching a lady named Julia.  Her husband in an ex communicated member who is a little crazy and whom i have only seen once. He works taking care of a boat 5 hours outside of Puntaarenas and is gone for 21 days and then rests for 5 and then he is back out for 21.  Julia is progressing lots but the problem that we have found is that she cant be baptized until she gets married to this dude.  And this dude needs to get divorced first, but he doesn't want to.  And Julia has no desire to leave him.  So we are basically just teaching her and trying to strengthen her faith so that someday she will be able to be baptized. She is really cool though.  She came to church this week and really liked it.  

This week i have been eating a ton.  I don't know what it is but i have found a lot more pleasure in eating this week.  I ended up eating 10 mango's in 3 days for breakfast.  And then the rest of the week i single handedly ate a 20 lbs water melon.  Then at night i eat Mac and Cheese, or a frozen peach pie that they sell in Zona Franca.  And then when i am in the streets i am eating a ton of empanadas.  Its all good though because i work out for 30 minutes in the morning, so i wont get fat. 

I am not sure what i write about today.  Story of my life. 
I guess ill send you guys some pics.  

Love you guys lots, Have a great week.

Elder Bourp

1.  Me stuffing my face
2.  Me and Tierra del Fuego

Punta Arenas is....

2 Feb 2015

This has been a good week.  Lots of good things happening.  

I have little time.  The ciber in our sector was closed, so we had to go back into centro to find a different one.  So sorry, its going to be a short one.

This week we had a meeting with the stake president and he asked us to come to a meeting with all of the bishops and tell them how we need to be doing ward council.  That seems to be the hardest thing for people to do here.  We had the meeting yesterday and it went well.  It was cool to see three of my old bishops in the same room.  

The trip to porvenir went well.  We had an awesome time with the elders down there and we found what seemed like really good people.  I didn't end up throwing up, so that's a bonus.  the ferry that we took over there was brand new.  Only one month old. And it was incredible.  They had it set up like a lounge at a really fancy hotel.

The Search for new investigators is going well.  We still haven't found a real one, but we have a couple of good leads as to where we might find some.  Its hard work, but i am loving it.  I like the challenges.  They help you focus more.  Lets hope this week that comes will be more fruitful.  

Love you guys a ton, thanks foreverything.  

Love lots

Elder Borup