i am on the edge of the world. And i miss my old sector. This is a
picture of us with Silvina and her dad Orlando. I cried the night we
were supposed to leave. She said she didn't want anything to do with the
sister missionaries, because one time she talked with them and they
said that they wouldn't leave Ovejeria until she got baptized. Its
really sad. But we left some good instructions for the hermanas and
hopefully they do them. 
Well There is nothing I can do now. But this
new sector is awesome. People seem to get more and more nice as I move
south, in contrast to everyone in Valdivia who wouldn't even respond to a
hello. Yeah people are nice here. The members seem good and we are
teaching an entire family. They are really sweet, right now there
struggle is coming to church but we almost had them this week.
The weather here is unreal. It is freezing. The
reason this letter is kind of short is not because i don't have time, but
because i cant move my fingers. The wind is at least a constant 30mph all of the time and we have seen some pretty crazy gusts. Lots of
fun. And it rains lots. but only for about 20min at a time.
I can see the Megeline straight from our apartment. Super cool. This is a picture of me in front of our apartment building.
But my Spanish is still struggling it turns out. I
can really roughly communicate with my companion. but its hard. And he isn't the most patient person. But this is all good for me. I think I
will have the language mastered by the end of six weeks.
Well that's it form me. I really love hearing from
from you guys. Mad-eye, keep up the good work. Mom and Dad, same to
you. I love all of you guys so much. take care.
Elder Paco Borup
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