First week
hello hello! This will be the first of many letters. How are all of you doing? Good? good. Because i am doing great. this has been one of the fastest weeks of my life. it feels like I just got here. Missoinary work is so much fun it makes the days blur together. i miss all of you guys so much but this is where i am supossed to be right now.
So this mexico mtc is one of the greatest places i have ever been in my whole life. it has the most beutiful grounds in the world. The weather here is very predictable. here is a forecast for the next 6 weeks; Little chilly in the morning sunny and warm at noon and then severe thunder storms in the evening. its not anything like i thought it would be. The food is either delicious or completely unedible, most of the times it is delicious but you always need to eat as much as you can when it is because you dont know when you are going to have to go without food. I am loving all of the classes and i am learning a lot, my teacher hermano robinson is the best, and my spanish is getting much better. Mi compañero is awesome. his mom is from chile, and he has been telling me about all of the good things there are to eat down there, it sounds amazing. we get along great and as a bonus he loves lord of the rings and pingpong ( they have two really nice tables in the gym). This is a really great place, but right now they are still in a rush to set everything up and get everything organized. besides that i love it here.
Class is always fun and you can normaly feel the spirit. We have the best districto in the entire mtc. every one is super funny and we are always laughing. there is one crazy hermana in our district. all of the other districts simply know her as hermana crazy or hermana annoying. she is very very loud and she always has a completely unrelated story that had nothing to do with anything. but overall class is great. we are really learning to teach with the spirit, and even though we are not doing to well with our practice investigator, we can feel the spirit every time.
everyday we have 50 min of exercise. most of the time i play ping pong with my district, but i am starting to love to play soccer. it may be a sissy euro sport but it is lots of fun when you play with no rules. my comp is amazing at soccer.
we got to go to the temple earlier today. it was amazing. they had lots of aztec designs and it was awesome.
its really good to hear from you guys, good to know that moms ffeeling better. I know where the longboard is. It is in the back of Alex's car. use my phone and text him and tell him to drop it by the house on sunday. really sorry i forgot to take it out when i went to the canyon with him. dont bother with the ipod i have dads old black one. but if you could send down the portable pingpong net and some paddles and a few balls that would be beyond amazing. i had forgoten how much i love ping pong.
They have three sprinter vans!

My district at the Temple

They have three sprinter vans!
My district at the Temple
Studying with elder teddy and my roommates
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